Thursday, February 18, 2010

Too busy? Can't spare the time? You are not alone.

Yet strangely enough, people can always find days, weeks, months and sometimes years to do things again – and again - after they get them wrong … but not the few hours it takes to find out how to do them right in the first place.

--Drayton Bird

Friday, February 12, 2010

Q. What are you trying to drive into people’s heads when you say, “It’s not the economy, stupid, it’s you.”

A. Look, what happened yesterday is now done. Tomorrow is a new day. I have to cut my costs viciously. I have to spend a great deal more time on my sales and marketing, and I have to stop whining and get to work.

--George Cloutier, founder of American Management Services

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"I think that the successful Entrepreneur will continually create more opportunity and the unsuccessful Entrepreneur will continually give excuses for their challenges."

--Bill Glazer, GKIC